Penn State researchers support Social Science Advocacy Day

Penn State researchers at COSSA Day outside of Capital Building

Penn State researchers Michael Donovan, 桑德拉·艾蓝, 玛丽申克, 克里斯汀·基尔霍夫, 科拉琴Perez-Edgar, and Jenny Van Hook recently participated in COSSA Social Science Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.

Credit: Michael Donovan

宾州大学公园. — Penn State researchers recently participated in Social Science Advocacy Day, recently held in Washington, D.C.,由… Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA).

的 event brought together social and behavioral scientists from across the country to meet with members of Congress and their staff to advocate for the research community.

今年, seven Penn State researchers met with the offices of members of the 宾西法尼亚 Congressional Delegation including Sen. 约翰·费特曼,参议员. 鲍勃·凯西和众议员. 格伦·GT·汤普森.

Penn State organizer and attendee Michael Donovan, associate director of the Evidence-to-影响 Collaborative (EIC) and an assistant research professor of social science and public policy, said the COSSA Social Science Advocacy Day was a great opportunity to promote the use of social and behavioral science research in creating a safer, 更健康的, 更公正, and more peaceful world.

“的 effort is vital to fostering science champions in Congress, especially among the 宾西法尼亚 delegation, and is an important experience for the researcher participants who must hone their message to the policymaker audience, bridging the gap between policy and research,多诺万说。.

In addition to Donovan, Penn State was represented by:

  • 桑德拉·艾蓝, professor of practice, 法律讲师, and director of the Law, 政策, and Engineering (LPE) initiative
  • 科拉琴Perez-Edgar, McCourtney Professor of Child Studies, professor of psychology, and Social Science Research Institute associate director and cofunded faculty member
  • 玛丽申克, associate professor of anthropology, 人口统计学, 和亚洲研究, and faculty associate of the Population Research Institute and the Center for Human Ecology
  • 克里斯汀·基尔霍夫, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and associate director of the Law, 政策, and Engineering (LPE) initiative
  • Jenny Van Hook, the Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology & 人口统计学, director of the Population Research Institute, and Social Science Research Institute cofunded faculty member
  • Nicole Stokes, social sciences division head and professor of sociology at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校

Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) was a sponsor of the event. SSRI的一部分, EIC is a research center for the science of scientific impact — aiming to improve the relevance, value and use of research evidence to increase societal well-being. 的 EIC leverages expertise in administrative data, program design and evaluation, and researcher-policymaker relationships to optimize public and private investments.
